Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

~Merry Christmas~
From our family to yours
the Taylor's

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Yep...they are THAT cute!

OMG! When I snapped this picture, of all 3 boys actually looking at the camera smiling, I was SO excited! If you've ever watched me attempt this, you'd understand why...until today, it was impossible! Today is Drew's 6 week birthday! I can't believe he is already 6 weeks old! Time is already flying by...and the boys are doing so good adjusting to their new baby brother!
He is such a sweet baby! Doesn't he just look like it!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ladies Man...

The first thing people say when they see Drew is..."he's SO small"...I don't think its that he's really all that small, he was already at 8lbs 5oz at his appointment last week, I think its just that this time goes by SO quickly that we forget just how little and precious new babies as hard as it is with 3 boys to care for now, i'm trying my hardest to savor every second of this newborn stage, cause I know in the blink of an eye he is going to be running around this house with his big brothers!
There is just something about a sleeping baby that is so peaceful, don't you think?
I just love pictures of my babies I have alot of them!
Anybody want to put their two cents in as to who he looks like?
I love hearing what everyone else's opinion!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Thank you Memaw...

The past two weeks have been amazing...after Drew was born, Sam took off a week to be home with the boys and I, and this week, my mom took off to stay with us! On Friday we said our goodbyes to Memaw, in time to have a weekend with daddy...and then, on Monday November 5th, I am officially on my own! So, if you remember...pray for us!
This is a shot of the boys "giving Memaw love", before she got on the road! As soon as she stood up Grant ran to the door to block it, arms and legs spread! It would've made for a great picture, unfortunately the camera was already put away.
Thanks Mom, aka:Memaw for all your help this week...we miss you already!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

See you soon Uncle Josh...

On Thursday, my mom and Veronica woke up extra early to drive Uncle Josh to the airport...he recently reinlisted in the Navy, so first things first, he has to go get all his things in order in Great Lakes. Since we don't even know if he'll come home before he is shipped off to who knows where, I tried to get a picture of him and his 3 precious nephews. Not an easy task!
Keeping our fingers crossed that we'll get in one more visit before you head out...but if we don't...know that we love you, and are SO proud of you! See you soon!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

ARRR Mateys!

This year for Halloween Logan and Grant both decided to dress up like "Pirates". So, I started my online search a month ago...just to be sure their costumes came on time, and less thing to worry about in the event that I was delivering a baby while they were out
Trick or Treating!
Grants costume arrived first...and he LOVED modeling it for everyone...himself included!
I love hearing him say in his sweet voice, "me a PIWATE mommy"!
A very cute "piwate" I might add!

In years past we have always taken the kids to a Harvest Festival at church. This year however, since our church is a little too small to host one, we decided to hang out in our own neighborhood...this is a shot of some of our neighbors, the ones we went door to door with! I couldn't get over just how many kids were out in our area alone! The boys had a blast filling up their bags, and when we were all done, our neighbor Toby set up a little Halloween party in her garage! So much fun! As an added bonus, we had Memaw, Gigi, Uncle Josh and Auntie Veronica along for the evening!

Sweet Baby Boy!

No real reason for this post...I just couldn't NOT put this picture on my blog for all the world to see! I just love staring at my sweet boy awake or sleeping...doesn't he just look so peaceful, and perfect! I love my boys!

Monday, October 22, 2007

God Is SO Good!

Drew Preston Taylor
Born October 20th 2007 at 4:05pm
7lbs 11oz 20inches

October 21st, in hospital

Grant and Drew!

October 10pm, we finally made it home!!

And the boys couldn't wait to get their hands on him!

Proud big brother Logan!

I LOVE hearing my boys sing the song 'God is SO Good'...its one of our bedtime rituals...and how appropriate that on Friday night the 3 of us got to sing it one last time as a family of 4, while getting into bed!

As most of you reading this biggest fear in this delivery was how it was all going to go down! Getting the boys wherever they needed to go...Sam being close by...and making it to the hospital so that I didn't have to deliver him on the 15fwy! All of my prayers were answered on Friday night at 9pm, while Uncle Josh and Auntie Veronica were here to play games, and I was getting the boys to bed...and my "water broke"! God could not have answered my prayers, and eased my fears any better! And we are, a family of 5...hanging out at home this week, getting to know our newest member! We are so excited...and can't wait to show him off to everyone!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Pumpkin Patch Fun...

On Friday, October 19th, Logans class had a field trip to a local Pumpkin Patch! The kids had a great time...the parents however, we're dying of heat! You can tell by the "red, sweaty" faces, that the kids were too...they just weren't going to let it slow them down!
This is a picture of Grant and his buddy Thaddeus! This was an extra special day for these two...since we would normally drop off their older siblings at school, and take them home for a few hours!
Like mother like child! Grant got ahold of my Iced Blended, and didn't want to give it up! Who can blame him was so HOT outside, and what's better than a Coffee Bean?
We all had a great time...I will forever say that this field trip was the reason I went into labor with sweet Drew! Guess I should just nickname him my little "Pumpkin"!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

it was bound to happen...

After being a mommy for 5 years and 10 days, I spent my first afternoon at Urgent Care!
Yesterday afternoon, after a lesson on Child Safety at Mop's, 'isn't it ironic', the boys and I came home, put in a "VeggieTales" CD, and "danced", translation=ran around the coffee table until Grant fell, and busted his head open on it!
After holding a wet washcloth on it, and calling my neighbor to help properly "asses the damage", I loaded the boys up in the car and headed over to the Urgent Care in Riverside...(that's where they told me to go!) Maybe this was God's way of preparing me for a drive at 1pm to the hospital when I go into labor? Who knows!
Anyways, we were seen right away, and the diagnosis...2 staples in my baby's head! Thankfully Sam was able to make it to the hospital, and helped the nurse hold him down while the doctor pulled out the staple gun and went to work! I'm certain that there will be visits to the Emergency room where I will be on my own...but considering my current state, I'm incredibly grateful that I wasn't on my own!
Grant was a trooper! Cried of course when it was all happening, but didn't fight it...and walked out of the hospital happily with his new sticker...and the promise of an Ice Cream Cone! Thank goodness for Thrifty's Chocolate Chip Ice Cream!!
Now, we just count down the days until we get to go back and have them taken out...I can't wait.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Baby...

On October 5th, Logan celebrated his 5th birthday!! I can hardly believe that its been 5 years since we've been blessed to have him in out lives! And yet...I also can't remember what life was like before him?! We celebrated his birthday with a Pirate Party here at our home on September 29th...early, so that I could "relax" before Drew's arrival! Logan had a great time with his "new" friends here in Murrieta! Then on his actual birthday, he couldn't wait to go to school, and share doughnuts with his classmates! His teacher really goes all out with the he came home with a birthday sticker, crown, and lots of happy memories of the kids, and Mrs. Hinckley making a big deal out of the fact that he was "the birthday boy"!
All in all, I think it was a perfect Golden Birthday!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Duck Pond...

Wednesday, late afternoon, we got an invitation from the girls next door to go to the duck pond! With Sam being gone this week in Florida, I jumped at the chance to get them out of the house! So, at about 530pm, we jumped in the car, and followed them across the street!
Toby got a shot of the 3 of us...and since that rarely happens, thought i'd post it! It was the perfect time of day to be outside for some good pictures! Grant had a great time...he however, doesn't quite understand the concept of breaking bread into small pieces. So the ducks that caught his "whole" pieces scored big!
This is just such a sweet picture of Logan! I can hardly believe that in 2 short weeks, my baby is going to be 5?! Where did the last 5 years go?!
Logan and Amanda(?)...I think!! Since I can't see her face, i'm going off the blue shoes! The boys love having "friends" right next door! And I do too! We all scored when we moved here! Thanks for the invite girls! We had a great time!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Go Red Cheetahs!

Today was Logan's 1st official Soccer Game! He had a great time...asking when he was rotated off the field to give other players a chance to play, if he could go back! Think he actually only kicked the ball once the entire game...but as long as he's having fun we are happy! Here are a couple of pictures from the big event!

Here is a Pre-game shot with Daddy, getting a feel for the field. Logan had up to this point only even been to practices, he's never even watched a I was especially happy to get there a little early and let him get accustomed to his surroundings!

And a shot of him in front of his team banner...the "Red Cheetahs"! There are only 6 players total on the team, and coach let the team come up with a name...although we are more maroon than red I think its cute!

This is most of the team...1/2 of whom live on our street! Logan was beyond excited to find out that he was placed on a team with Katie and Amanda, our next door neighbors! To be quite honest, I was pretty excited too! As a first time soccer mom, its fun to have my friend (the girls mom) Toby along to show me the ropes!

And then, a shot of Grant and Memaw watching the game! I think our greatest challenge this season is going to be keeping him off the field! All he wants to do is kick the ball around with the big kids!
All in all, i'd say this was a really great first game! Everyone had a good time...and its SO cute to watch the kids run up and down the field in their uniforms...even when they are headed in the wrong direction!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Just another day at the park!

Recently, the park "down the hill", as Logan calls it, was now, with a 5 minute stroll, we can play at our very own community park! The kids love having a park so close...and we love that a couple of phone calls made before we leave, allows us to hang with our new friends! Our neighbors Katie and Amanda (the only girls shown), live right next door! And Evan and Trevor live at the bottom of our little pathway! So we meetup on the walk down and have a blast running out our energy right before bedtime! Its perfect! Won't be long before our 3 families fill up that rock wall! The girls have a 6 month old brother, and the boys have a 5 month old sister! Add Drew to the mix, and we've got that wall covered! Its going to be so much fun to take this picture again in a year...and on and and on again!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Beach Trip...

A few Saturdays ago, after the boys naps, we decided to get out of the house, and head to the beach. Lucky for us, Gigi, aka: Mom, and Dusti, lives in Corona Del Mar! So, instead of heading to just any beach, we dropped in for dinner!

We couldn't be that close to the ocean however, without letting the boys feel the sand beneath their toes, and hear the crashing we pulled over, and got out for an hour of fun!

It was really cold! But the boys had a blast searching for sea shells, and sand crabs! Plus it gave us an opportunity to get some really cute pictures of the boys! I know I see them everyday...but when I see them in pictures, I can't believe how big my babies are getting!
Thanks Gigi for dinner...and Finding Nemo!

One of my favorite things...

I know we only moved 50 miles down the 15 freeway...and many of you think i'm crazy for saying this...but one of the best things about being here in Murrieta is the beautiful sky! Who knew that such a short distance, would make such a huge difference...but I swear, it does! SO...I took a picture from our patio to prove it! Aren't all of you from Rancho ready to put your houses up for sale now and join us?! We'd love that! Honestly...isn't that just amazing! And we didn't even have to lose a tree thanks to the Santa Ana's to get to enjoy it!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Independence Day

I hear myself say alot..."my favorite thing about living in Murrieta is...", so i've decided to dedicate my next few posts to telling you all about a few!
This one may sound a little strange...and yet, I feel compelled to share! So please bear with me!
A few weeks ago I was complaining to one of my new friends, who happens to be a neighbor, about Sam being gone for 2 whole days...when it dawned on me that I shouldn't complain to her...Jen has 2 little ones, Ocean (2 in August), and Kai (1 in November)...and her husband Justin is a Reservist for the Navy, which means that once a month, for a weekend, he goes in and serves our country. So, I say..."i'm sorry, I shouldn't complain to you about this!" She then informed me that just this weekend, they had gotten the call, that he was being activated, and would be deploying for 8 months to the the Middle East. Together we cried, talked about what this meant for her, and her family, and then both went on with our days.
The following week, i'm sitting at my friend April's house, getting my hair done, (she is a hairstylist, and fellow Cookie Lee consultant). As i'm sitting in my chair, watching our kids run around playing and laughing, she informs me that her husband Shane who serves our country as a Marine, has been activated, and will be deploying in August for 8 months to a year. April has two daughters, Mary 5 and Lanie 3.
I know it sounds crazy...but this is one of my favorite things about being here in Murrieta.
I grew up with a family tree full of men who proudly served our country. Only, I only really knew of this because of pictures on the walls. I never understood what this meant to the women who stood by them and watched them go. I think of my friends, Jen and April, who will in August, say goodbye to their husbands...and of their babies, who will say goodbye to their daddies two who will likely understand enough to cling to their daddy's leg and beg him not to go, and two who will say goodbye just like he was going to work, not understanding at all the true depth of the moment, and i'm brought to tears. Yet, I am so grateful for the opportunity to know them, and to understand on a slightly different level what these families will go through. Until I lived here, the closest I got to experiencing this was by watching the news, which honestly impacted me, it won't be long until I watch my neighbor drive down the street, off to proudly serve our country.
This 4th of July, as you celebrate our Independence with your friends and families, please remember these families, and the sacrifices they are making in order for us to have the freedoms that we do. And in the next year, if you remember, and you pray...please, lift them up in your prayers!
Happy 4th of July, & God Bless America!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Balloon Festival...

One of my favorite things about being here in Murrieta, is having Logan wake up every morning, come into our room, and open up the shutters, in search for how many hot air balloons we can count each day! We have counted as few as 1, and as many as 9!! Its such a fun way to wake up!
Anyways...when I heard that the Temecula Valley Balloon and Wine festival was coming I knew it was something I couldn't miss! Since we are new to the area, and didn't really know how "kid friendly" the actual festival was, I decided to take my chances, and just go for a, on Saturday, June 2nd, when Logan came in my room at 6:30am, I quickly, and very quitely got up, got the two of us dressed, and we rushed out the door. We stopped at Starbucks for an early morning treat, and headed out to wine country, in hopes of seeing at least one or two balloons up close, what we found was SO much better!
As we drove through the hills of wine country, seeing NOTHING, I quickly became a bit discouraged, but to my surprise, we came over a hill, and there were a ton of balloons, getting set to launch! We pulled over in this big empty dirt lot, got out, drinks in one hand, and a blanket in the other, and set ourselves up for an awesome show! Free of charge!
I think we counted at least 40 balloons! It was really such a special time, just the two of us! Next year, we'll have to wake up Sam, Grant, and Drew, and take them along for the ride...but for this year, I wouldn't have changed a thing! We might even check out the festival! I obviously couldn't even taste the wine this year...but next year, i'd love to check it out! If you've never been out there, it is absolutely beautiful! Lots of rolling green hills, and tons of winery's (obviously) as well as some, what appear to be really quaint little Bed & Breakfasts! All just 15 minutes from our home!
If you are ever in the area, we'd love to take you for a ride out there! We love visitors!
I know i've been a little slow getting these posts of these days i'll figure it all out! I imagine once I do, you'll hear me refer to things as "my favorite" alot...thats because I have so many things that I just love about it out here!
Come visit! I'd love to share them all with you!!
Until next time!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Cousin Fun!!

On Saturday Katie, Courtney, and Matthew drove down for a visit! We all had a great time, especially the kids! Its fun to see how excited they get to see eachother...they all adore one another, and its so sweet! Its always sad to see them go. This time they left with a promise to all that they would soon come over for a slumber party! So...the date needs to be set quickly, because Logan will not soon forget!
This is just a silly picture of all 4 in a Target shopping cart! I'm sure the store manager LOVED this!! Better than them all running around the store!

And this is a picture taken while we were waiting for our table to be ready at Chili's. As Katie was snapping it, Sam noted that if we go through with our plan, and God blesses us with 2 new Taylors, this will be us in 4 years! HOLY COW!! The spacing of ages are exactly what we would like too...8,6,4,&2! Whoa!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Our trip to Sea World!

On our way home from Family Camp, we, along with a few other families from Flipside decided to take a trip to Sea World! It was Grants first time, and we had a blast! Here are just a couple of shots from our date with Shamu!
While we were there, we picked up Fun any of you who would like to take a trip down, we'd love to tag along! I'm a little nervous to brave an amusement park alone with the boys...but if I had another mom along for the ride, I think I could handle it!!
Notice that Logan has his Map in hand...everytime we decided on where to go, we had to pull the stroller over to a curb and find it on the Map! In true Logan fashion, he held onto that thing until it fell apart. Or at least until Grant got ahold of it, and tore it apart!

I just LOVE this picture, so I thought i'd post it! The boys were in awe...heck, I was! What a beautiful creation! We could have sat and watched this for hours! Awesome!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Family Camp 2007!

This weekend our family went to Flipside's Family Camp for our 3rd time! And I think I speak for all of us when I say that this was by far our favorite! The boys had so much fun hanging out with their Rancho Cucamonga friends! And we did too!
This is a picture of us at the Campfire Saturday night! The boys got there first taste of a s'more...their daddy's favorite dessert!

We had a wonderful time playing with our friends...but i'd have to say that the "Taylor family Highlight" was that Logan learned to ride a bike!! All it took was getting him his own, that he was excited about, and like finally happened! This is a pic of him on his new bike..."about Spiderman!", as he would say!

Grant couldn't be left out! So here is a shot of him, riding his own bike! Don't have a clue who's big kid helmet he is wearing...but he looks awful cute in it, doesn't he!?

When Logan heard that we were going to get to play in the pool he immediately went to his dresser, pulled out his swim trunks, and carried them around for the rest of the week! We slept with them, prayed for them, and talked constantly about how when we got to family camp we were going to play in the "cool"!! Poor kid had to wait a full day after we got there before he even got to break them in! I'm pretty sure he'd say it was worth the wait though! 3 pools were blown up, and all of the kids had a blast! Here is a shot of Logan in the pool with his favorite girl, Haley Joy!

Here is a shot of Grant's friend...Unta, or Hunter, as his mommy calls him! I asked him to hold my hand while we walked back to our cabin after some playtime at the park...and he immediately ran to Hunter and grabbed his hand! I couldn't resist the shot! I love watching the boys develop lasting friendships! It will be fun to have a shot like this, minus the hand holding, of them 10 and 15 years from now! Hopefully we'll still be making memories like this weekend at Family Camp then!
Logan is already asking if we can go back to Family next year, count us in!! We'll even qualify for a 2 room cabin, thanks to the growing bun in my oven!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wacky Wednesday!

Today was "Wacky Wednesday" at Logan's preschool! I woke up totally clueless, as to what I was supposed to do with him, and yet, this is what I came up with?! Wacky enough? You be the judge! Mrs. Hinckley (or as Logan calls her "Mrs. Hinkwey") seemed pleased, as well as the other parents...apparently i'm the only mom "wacky" enough to send my child to school with his underwear on the outside of his pants!

While I was snapping pics of my wild child, I thought i'd try and get one of the two crazys together! I thought it came out pretty cute! Looking at the two of them together, its crazy for me to imagine adding another to the mix! And yet we are only 28 weeks away from having 3 little Taylor's in our family pictures!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

We have arrived...

Into the world of Blog, that is! I'm certain that this will make at least a couple of you happy, since i'm asked regularly when i'm going to set one up! it is! My only request is that you please be patient with me...I've got alot to how to post pictures, etc. I'm gonna need Sam for some of this, at least in the beginning! For now, this is it! Thanks for being so patient with me!

Fancy least I've figured this one out!!