Tuesday, October 16, 2007

it was bound to happen...

After being a mommy for 5 years and 10 days, I spent my first afternoon at Urgent Care!
Yesterday afternoon, after a lesson on Child Safety at Mop's, 'isn't it ironic', the boys and I came home, put in a "VeggieTales" CD, and "danced", translation=ran around the coffee table until Grant fell, and busted his head open on it!
After holding a wet washcloth on it, and calling my neighbor to help properly "asses the damage", I loaded the boys up in the car and headed over to the Urgent Care in Riverside...(that's where they told me to go!) Maybe this was God's way of preparing me for a drive at 1pm to the hospital when I go into labor? Who knows!
Anyways, we were seen right away, and the diagnosis...2 staples in my baby's head! Thankfully Sam was able to make it to the hospital, and helped the nurse hold him down while the doctor pulled out the staple gun and went to work! I'm certain that there will be visits to the Emergency room where I will be on my own...but considering my current state, I'm incredibly grateful that I wasn't on my own!
Grant was a trooper! Cried of course when it was all happening, but didn't fight it...and walked out of the hospital happily with his new sticker...and the promise of an Ice Cream Cone! Thank goodness for Thrifty's Chocolate Chip Ice Cream!!
Now, we just count down the days until we get to go back and have them taken out...I can't wait.


Stef said...

OH MY GOSH... that was your very first trip to the Urgent care? WOW!!! I am impressed...

Sorry Grant :( sniff sniff

The Williams Family said...

What is it with our 2nd-born children and hospitals? Poor Grant. Annalise & Grant can hang out this summer and share medical "horror stories!" =) Those troopers! =)