On May 4th, our family headed down to the Navy Ship Yard in San Diego to show our love and support to my brother, as he, and his ship mates set off for the P.G.
If you ever have the opportunity to be there for this type of experience, I highly urge you to do so. It is such an intense moment that I personally think every single American should have to witness. Whether someone you love is boarding the ship/plane, or you are just their to watch, you can't help but be moved by the sacrifice that the men and women who proudly serve our country are making. As well as find a newfound respect for the families they leave behind.
When Josh went out a couple of years ago I was moved in a way I hadn't expected...but this time brought on an entire new set of emotions. Knowing that he is headed to a war zone, and that while he is gone his first child will be born, made it all so much more sad.
Here he is with his sweet nephews! "We love you Uncle Josh!!"
Move over Drew...when he gets back, those arms will be for Brodie alone!
As soon as the ship was well on its way out to sea, we all hopped in our cars, and headed out to Point Loma, in hopes of getting one last glimpse of the ship before it was too far out. We made it just in time! Here they are on their way to serve and protect!
We are SO proud of you Josh...come home safe! We love you!