Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ladies Man...

The first thing people say when they see Drew is..."he's SO small"...I don't think its that he's really all that small, he was already at 8lbs 5oz at his appointment last week, I think its just that this time goes by SO quickly that we forget just how little and precious new babies as hard as it is with 3 boys to care for now, i'm trying my hardest to savor every second of this newborn stage, cause I know in the blink of an eye he is going to be running around this house with his big brothers!
There is just something about a sleeping baby that is so peaceful, don't you think?
I just love pictures of my babies I have alot of them!
Anybody want to put their two cents in as to who he looks like?
I love hearing what everyone else's opinion!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Thank you Memaw...

The past two weeks have been amazing...after Drew was born, Sam took off a week to be home with the boys and I, and this week, my mom took off to stay with us! On Friday we said our goodbyes to Memaw, in time to have a weekend with daddy...and then, on Monday November 5th, I am officially on my own! So, if you remember...pray for us!
This is a shot of the boys "giving Memaw love", before she got on the road! As soon as she stood up Grant ran to the door to block it, arms and legs spread! It would've made for a great picture, unfortunately the camera was already put away.
Thanks Mom, aka:Memaw for all your help this week...we miss you already!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

See you soon Uncle Josh...

On Thursday, my mom and Veronica woke up extra early to drive Uncle Josh to the airport...he recently reinlisted in the Navy, so first things first, he has to go get all his things in order in Great Lakes. Since we don't even know if he'll come home before he is shipped off to who knows where, I tried to get a picture of him and his 3 precious nephews. Not an easy task!
Keeping our fingers crossed that we'll get in one more visit before you head out...but if we don't...know that we love you, and are SO proud of you! See you soon!