Thursday, September 20, 2007

Duck Pond...

Wednesday, late afternoon, we got an invitation from the girls next door to go to the duck pond! With Sam being gone this week in Florida, I jumped at the chance to get them out of the house! So, at about 530pm, we jumped in the car, and followed them across the street!
Toby got a shot of the 3 of us...and since that rarely happens, thought i'd post it! It was the perfect time of day to be outside for some good pictures! Grant had a great time...he however, doesn't quite understand the concept of breaking bread into small pieces. So the ducks that caught his "whole" pieces scored big!
This is just such a sweet picture of Logan! I can hardly believe that in 2 short weeks, my baby is going to be 5?! Where did the last 5 years go?!
Logan and Amanda(?)...I think!! Since I can't see her face, i'm going off the blue shoes! The boys love having "friends" right next door! And I do too! We all scored when we moved here! Thanks for the invite girls! We had a great time!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Go Red Cheetahs!

Today was Logan's 1st official Soccer Game! He had a great time...asking when he was rotated off the field to give other players a chance to play, if he could go back! Think he actually only kicked the ball once the entire game...but as long as he's having fun we are happy! Here are a couple of pictures from the big event!

Here is a Pre-game shot with Daddy, getting a feel for the field. Logan had up to this point only even been to practices, he's never even watched a I was especially happy to get there a little early and let him get accustomed to his surroundings!

And a shot of him in front of his team banner...the "Red Cheetahs"! There are only 6 players total on the team, and coach let the team come up with a name...although we are more maroon than red I think its cute!

This is most of the team...1/2 of whom live on our street! Logan was beyond excited to find out that he was placed on a team with Katie and Amanda, our next door neighbors! To be quite honest, I was pretty excited too! As a first time soccer mom, its fun to have my friend (the girls mom) Toby along to show me the ropes!

And then, a shot of Grant and Memaw watching the game! I think our greatest challenge this season is going to be keeping him off the field! All he wants to do is kick the ball around with the big kids!
All in all, i'd say this was a really great first game! Everyone had a good time...and its SO cute to watch the kids run up and down the field in their uniforms...even when they are headed in the wrong direction!